The importance of employee advocacy on LinkedIn

August 14th, 2024
4 min read
By Charlotte Summers

In 2024, your employees are your strongest awareness tool when considering LinkedIn.  

According to LinkedIn, the average network of your employees is 10x larger than a company's follower base and is viewed as 3x more authentic, which helps your organisation gain broader visibility. 

It was also reported by LinkedIn that while only 3% of employees share content about their organisation, they’re responsible for driving a 30% increase in the total engagement a company sees. 

But it goes much deeper than awareness, and employee advocacy on LinkedIn is a must when considering your marketing activities.  

Employee advocacy can impact sales 

Did you know 75% of B2B buyers use social media to make purchasing decisions?  
We’re noticing a trend in more organisations utilising their salespeople and senior leaders’ social networks to locate the right prospects, build relationships and convert them into customers.  

It's a tactic as old as ancient times but creating genuine and authentic relationships work, and this practice can occur on social networking sites such as LinkedIn. 

The sales and senior leaders adopting this approach are being reported they’re 45% more likely to exceed quota, plus those leads developed through employees’ social networks convert more frequently.  

So in short, if you’re not encouraging and giving your sales individuals the tools they need to be active on LinkedIn, you’re most definitely missing out on potential sales.  

Amplifying your experts

Supporting your employees and team of experts to become more engaged with their network has endless benefits, but also provides personal growth.  

It was reported in 2023 – 2024, that LinkedIn has become the top growing platform with Millennials, and with this we’ve seen a shift in media types with short-form video being brought over as that demographic’s preferred media type. 

This valuable insight showcases not only the evolution of LinkedIn but also highlights young professionals who are dedicating time and resources to developing their career growth.  

The ability to grow your professional reputation is attracting more diverse and engaging content, totally changing the landscape of LinkedIn. 

It’s a common occurrence to see individuals sharing personal and professional content, which in return supports individuals to connect and build genuine connections.  

It all links together, if you empower your employees to share and engage on LinkedIn, you not only will attract potential clients, but you build more brand awareness, align with a wider demographic and support your team’s professional development.  

It’s important to dedicate training budgets and provide freedom to your employees to align with the current landscape of LinkedIn.  

Attracting Talent 

As mentioned, more young professionals are joining LinkedIn to develop their careers. Alongside Millennials, we’ve seen an increase in Gen Z take to the platform, with it being the 2nd top-growing platform within that demographic.  

Your employees are your most authentic advocates, and their networks are filled with talent. When they take to LinkedIn to share content about where they work and what they do, it’s far more engaging than when it comes from a company page.  

But it has also been reported by LinkedIn that companies with engaged employees are 58% more likely to attract top talent and 20% more likely to retain them.  

A key finding found by LinkedIn that solidifies the importance of employee advocacy when attracting talent, is for every piece of content an employee shares on LinkedIn, at least one person will view your job postings. 

How to encourage employee advocacy on LinkedIn  

To see employees actively on LinkedIn, you need to support them in feeling confident in their actions.  

A great way to do this is via LinkedIn training, a service we offer here at Ideas + Outcomes. 

With our training sessions, our experts adapt their sessions to your employees’ understanding, providing basic, immediate and advanced sessions to ensure your employees get the most out of training, leaving the session as a LinkedIn expert.  

To find out more, get in touch

Before we part ways… 

We’re aware posting on social media can be daunting, so before we part ways, I wanted to remind our readers, that you’re allowed to take up space on social media & the anxieties we feel are shared by many. 

Remember to be your authentic self & likeminded people will always find you.