Bringing the heart of Thailand to people at home

Some industries suffered more than others as a result of Covid-19, but the Travel and Tourism sector has been one of the worst hit. With airlines grounded, resorts closed, and various restrictions in place, job losses and bankruptcy have been an inevitable result. But while people aren’t able to travel, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t demand. When the first UK lockdown ended, the Evening Standard reported that at least one staycation was being booked every 11 seconds. So, how can the Travel & Tourism industry capitalise on this demand while they cannot provide their services?

The challenge
The Tourism Authority of Thailand decided that one way they would counter Covid-19 was to ensure they remained front of mind for people during lockdown. That way, when people were eventually allowed to travel again and making that all important holiday destination choice, they would immediately think of Thailand–that’s where we came in.
While people couldn’t travel to Thailand, we helped to bring Thailand to them.

We see you as the guardians of our strategy and design. Their two big strengths are working with challenging budgets and getting great results. The other is the people. They have a passion for my product and they are so easy to work with.
The impact
As part of our ongoing creative partnership, we saw some impressive engagement with this unique campaign. GrowingTourism Authority of Thailand’s audience and encouraging people to interact with the brand will stand them in good stead for when travel restrictions are lifted.
Total reach
Total engagement
ER high